Web & Mobile Apps
We create user-friendly and robust Mobile Apps for IOS and Android platforms using newest development technologies: Swift for iOS and Java for Android.
We create user-friendly and robust Mobile Apps for IOS and Android platforms using newest development technologies: Swift for iOS and Java for Android.
Our Front-End team will create intuitive, clean and responsive interface for your Website. We work with Angular.js, Ember.js, Backbone.js, including full stacks like Express.js, Meteor.js etc.
We create the most thoughtful user experience. Your product will be designed for any types of screens, stunningly and responsively!
We are doing our best to not only build your applications and websites, but also to efficiently manage and quickly scale them. Depending on your needs, we are offering the most affordable and reliable Cloud or Dedicated Servers.
Work methodology?
As a work methodology we have chosen Agile in our product development, because this is the most used startup model.
How our app development process looks like?
We divide our process into repeated time-boxed development cycles called sprints. Each sprint takes usually two weeks and includes a slice of functionality delivered through collaborative work, from specifying requirements, to design, development, testing and deployment.
How the managing process looks like?
It is hard to deal with developers without having a connecting link.
Help your business with building a product, control of time and not miss any detail. That’s why you can communicate with our project manager, whose responsibility is to make our client feel as if we are next door.
We build our work on the principles of Lean Product Development. By identifying your customer’s needs and and product at every moment. We are using only the best practices to make and implement your greatest ideas.
We focus on quality, rather than quantity. Using testing fundamentals inside each and every sprint is crucial for us. Our products will firstly undergo all the required QA procedures, will be debugged and tested prior to release.
As the last step of projects’ delivery process, we are offering product deployment.
Let us make your Website or Mobile Application available for users on App Store, Play Market and all over the Internet.
We love Startups. We work with Startups & Accelerators across the world in bringing their ideas to life. Whether it is building a MVP, developing a complex product, creating a dedicated tech team, you can count us in.
Our partners love us. We partner with Digital Agencies - Design & Branding firms, Marketing Agencies, Technology Consultants - to deliver brilliant solutions for Websites, Social Media, Mobile Apps to their clients.
You can contact the company by phone, email and live chat. The technical support team is quick and helpful. Add Blog to the site ?
We can assure you that we are highly competitive on the market.
Just try us, you will find out !
Changing your mind and changing world
Changing your mind and changing world
Android developer
Changing your mind and changing world
iOS developer
Changing your mind and changing world